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Rotary Ash Cooler for CFB Boilers

Rotary Ash Cooler for CFB Boilers

The Rotary ash cooler is invented by Chinese (created in China). SONGLING has a number of patented technologies in design of rotary ash cooler. SONGLING's rotary ash cooler accounts for over 70% market share in China, ranged from 50MW to 600MW CFB unit in coal fired power plants. Several types of ash cooler with transferred technology from Europe and US, such as screw cooler and the fluidized type of ash cooler, were installed in China initially. As the frequent failures of those initial designs of ash cooler became apparent, now almost all those coolers have been replaced by rotary ash coolers.
Rotary Drum Cooler for Calcined Coke, Needle Coke, Semicoke, Graphite Anode Materials, etc.

Rotary Drum Cooler for Calcined Coke, Needle Coke, Semicoke, Graphite Anode Materials, etc.

The Rotary drum cooler is invented by Chinese (created in China). SONGLING has a number of patented technologies in rotary drum cooler. SONGLING's rotary drum cooler has been applied in cooling of Calcined coke, Semicoke, Needle coke, Magnesium reduction, Steel slags, Manganese reduction, Graphite anode materials, etc.
Screw Cooler for CFB Boilers

Screw Cooler for CFB Boilers

The screw cooler is typically designed to handle boiler ash with a discharge temperature of up to 950℃ and cool it down to 200℃ or less so that the ash could be transported pneumatically or mechanically to ash silos.

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